Monday, October 16, 2006

又搞了一下午的花 orz

真是累死了,還剛好碰到我每個禮拜要煮全家飯的星期一 XD

左圖是在我房間的蘭花,被我越剪越短 XD 原來放在一起的鬱金香‧‧‧很不幸的被我用死了‧‧‧唉‧‧‧人生真無常啊 XD 哈哈 XD

The orchid on the left picture is currently in my bedroom, it's getting shorter and shorter due to my constant cutting XD The Tulip that used to be beside it has died... Killed by me... sigh...


The picture on the left has something like thirty fluffy top tulips! That's a lot isn't it!

右圖是加鬱金香的葉子,這樣也不錯吧 XD

The picture on the right is orchid with Tulips' leaves, not bad eh!

因為拿了一堆蘭花回家,所以可以看到我放得全家到處都是,要不然我怎麼會抱怨很累‧‧‧就是因為搞太多了‧‧‧花瓶用完了,只好放在高腳酒杯哩!哈!沒辦法 XD

Because I've taken way too many orchid home, that's why they're all around the house. Or why would I have been complaining about how tired I am! I've ran out of vases...!


不過說多也才五根啊‧‧‧不知道蘭花的單位是什麼?大概是因為一根花上就有十五朵左右的花,那我又把不是很好看的拔下來,那拔下來不用又覺得浪費‧‧‧所以就變成現在的局面了!一堆花‧‧‧。呵!不過別人也沒什麼好抱怨的,都是我在花時間處理,如果等我媽‧‧‧花都死光了‧‧‧ orz

I really probably have taken too many orchid home this time! I didn't think it was that much, only five steams...

Probably because there are about fifteen flower heads to a steam, and I've taken off all the ones that didn't look so good, then thought it would be a waste if I didn't use them; eventhough they weren't that good, but still tolerable.

So... This is how I've ended up with the current situation of too many flowers, no vases XD

Oh well! No one else in the house should complaine! Since it's always me spending time dealing with them.

If I wait for my mum to look after these... they would all have died out much sooner... >o<

左圖裡可以看到放了張新畫 XD 蘭花持續氾濫成災中 XD 右圖的蘭花也換了,圖也換了。之前放的橘黃色的小蘭花一下就都死光了‧‧‧不知道是不是因為最近天氣比較熱的關係?

Left: There's a new canvas XD It's quite a cool picture I think. It's one of a set of three. It's obvious that I just have way too many orchids...

左圖的花瓶其實太長了‧‧‧我該去買幾塊插花的濕海綿來用的?我一直還是用著幾個禮拜前還沒死掉的花來插,只是看起來應該都不太一樣吧?還是只有我自己這樣覺得?沒差!我高興就好 XD

The vase on the left is actually too tall. I've been cheeky taking a photo of the top third of the vase XD I keep on recycling my flowers XD

這些是杜鵑花,看起來跟台灣的品種真的不太一樣吧?感覺就長得一球一球像繡球花似的。我家超多棵杜鵑花的,總共有五六顆吧?每顆顏色都不一樣,春天時看起來真是超漂亮的!不過其實我看到這些花第一個想的都是‧‧‧不知道能不能賣‧‧‧賣了能賺多少錢 XD 不過如果拿去賣我媽一定會不高興!嘻!因為這樣花園還能看嘛 :p

所以啦‧‧‧它們暫且逃過一劫 XD

終於圖修完了‧‧‧orz 今天晚上應該開始乖乖寫我的論文吧!再不寫大概就交不出來了。今年總是不知道自己的目標在哪裡,畢竟已經到達了七年前預定自己要到達的地方,也達成了八歲與自己做的約定。我的人生到底想要的是什麼?總是為一些情啊愛的煩惱著,自己也知道很沒有意義,卻還是想著,念著。不管怎麼說,畢竟現在的我還是努力的活在這個世界上,雖然總是有活著做什麼的念頭,但還是提起勇氣繼續努力著。


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