Friday, October 06, 2006



好的方面來看,這樣我有多點時間寫論文,而往壞的方面看,當然就是錢少了一半。只是這次的情況並不是我做不好,也不是因為有什麼失誤,只是單純的公司沒 Case 給我做,所以他們決定不要再請人做那份工作,唉,就像他說的,只能用衰!一個字來形容。





El Psiconáufrago said...

Yes... I draw all in my blog... i m musician, but I learning draw cartoons and portraits... the girl picture in my blog is the brother's daugther (sobrina). Many of music I post on the blog is write by me. No todas@ algunas... jajaja... Te mando un beso@


RainFox said...

I'm a musician too. What do you play? A specific sort of music you compose?

El Psiconáufrago said...

I play the flute (flauta traversa). I composer, i write music for TV. Documentales, cortometrajes. Many years ago, I play in a orchestra, here in Buenos Aires..

You r musician???? Instrument? Genre?

Wow! Estoy sorprendido, really!

El Psiconáufrago said...

You cant enjoy my last post! is an audiovisual experiencie! no words!

RainFox said...

I can play the flute too, but only learnt it for 3 years. I've learnt the piano since the age of four, so I'd call myself a pianist. I can also play drums, again, not greatly XD I think I'm more a classical pianist. I like Richard Struass and Mozart. Sk(c)ryabin is nice too. Bartok is interesting to play sometimes... If I can be bothered with practising that hard... haha!