Sunday, October 29, 2006


我的背景又稍微調了一下 XD

最近實在是吃太多了‧‧‧太不忌口了真是 XD 好脹啊!不過這也算是種幸福吧 =D

還是沒把仙劍奇俠傳看完,我還真是個容易分心的人啊!呵 XD 裡面有滿多我挺喜歡的話;像逃避比忘記更痛苦、感情貴在專致,始終如一、風雨同路和知易行難。都是些短短幾個字,卻特別有意思。另人仔細阻嚼時回味再三的一些話。


El Psiconáufrago said...

I love this template! Is more... happy? Sigo sin entender nada, pero difruto de las fotos y los colores (I dont understand, but enjoy the colors and the pictures, jajajaja). Saluti! You must write something for me! A little text for Mister Hyde, your 1 visitor!!! In Spaninglish! :)))


RainFox said...

I've been spending too much time on my blog though XD figuring out html code and things. I might put more translation in when I can be bothered XD Too much on my mind, too many things I have to do and not getting on to them... Hee hee :D Who knows, I might translate everything into English oneday, since it shouldn't take me long. As in putting it in spanish....impossible XD a language which I have no understanding of XD