Saturday, October 07, 2006


左邊的是杜鵑花,右邊的是Early Cheers、蘭花 (cymbidium) 和 Asparagus Fern。

不是很確定,還是只有白的才叫 Early Cheer?

右邊的沒照好,但實在是太累了,所以懶得重照了。左邊是杜鵑花,右邊是 Heliborus、Black-eyed pink protea 和 Anthuriums。




These are the same lot of tulips. Very cute! Aren't them!



El Psiconáufrago said...

Wowwwww!!!!!! Hermoso! Beautyfull... thanks for the ¿translation? traducción..! I can read your text!!! I m Happy..! I´m Happy..!!! I love your flowers, and I love your love for the flowers.

Pianist!? Great! Scriabin, maestro! I love Steve Reich, the music publlished in my last post is write by him. Its a minimalist composer, like Philip Glass. I love Charles Yves, Gyorgi Ligeti... but I only can play the Mozarts concerts for flute!:((

But my dream is write music for movies. My profile, 2 blogs, “El Sucucho“ and “Musica de cine“. Here you can see videos about this.

My english, my english!!!!

Thanks for your flowers!!! Im happy!!


RainFox said...

It was just about flowers... so I thought I'd translate it, since it doesn't take me much time at all. I love that bathroom magnolia the most XD

I know Steve Reich...studied him in last year of music harmony at uni. You seem to love very 20th century composers? I'm more a 19th century music fan...haha

wow...write music for movies...great dream XD an important part of a movie. I think the music of a movie works most well when I'm not thinking about it. Not sure if you know what I mean... after university music, everytime I watch something, I start thinking about what music is played, and how it is written. For example, before something scary happening in a movie I'd know before hand because of the music. I think it's killed the fun for me. Haha!

I'm glad someone appreciate the flowers XD It's spring in New Zealand, that is why flower everywhere. The city which I live in is also called "Garden City". Flower everywhere! Bad for hayfever though! Lots of sneezing for me! haha!

El Psiconáufrago said...

Is very complex for me talk about this with my poor english... but I understand-you! I see the movies like a concert, only for heard the music! Musicians! Ah! Jajajaja...

RainFox said...

Seeing movies like a concert, I know what you mean! Haha! Poor musicians! It's like ever since I learnt conducting... I started looking at the conductor rather than listening for pure enjoyment... oh well, I guess you win some and loose some.