Tuesday, October 03, 2006


今天 Bokuragaita 終於下載好了,所以目前正在把前面幾集看完。









El Psiconáufrago said...

Hi Vanessa..! I love your blog! is very misterious! You post everyday! Wow! Great Inspiration!

RainFox said...

ah..so you've realised it's my name :p mysterious? how? just because it's a language you don't understand? haha... but it is a blog which I have not shared with anyone (eg. people on my msn list), reason for that is it's about my feelings. If I do share it with people, I doubt I can keep it honest. Your blog seems very interesting too, wish I could read spanish. There was one tube video I couldn't watch though, I think it was a private video?

El Psiconáufrago said...

No vanessa! this video is corrupted. I dont know, I try fix it, but I cant! Thanks, I happy for your comment! Welcome to The Mr. Hyde´s Sucuch!!!
I, m in this video (sorry, my english!!!). But others video I appears..! My blog is an absurd, nonsensical humor blog! dont worry if you dont understand, is not necesary! Jajaja

Saludos desde Argentina!

Te mando muchos besos!

Mr. Hyde

RainFox said...

I wish I could understand though, then I could find it funny and have a laugh too. :p