Saturday, October 09, 2010


I've been listening to the same song over and over again since I got up this morning - Silverstein's The End.

No wonder I'm in such sad mood....oh well, and the weather doesn't help either.

I can feel myself changing, leaving all boiled inside within me. Is it really a change? or have I just grown older and wiser? LOL

I don't really like this new me, I don't feel free being like that, but what can I do? I put on this indifferent face so much these days, learning to wait for the right moment to speak, or not to speak if it doesn't help for that matter....*sigh*

Maybe I should stop listening to EMO music.......LOL
I relate way too much to it.....*sigh*
but really love the song....exactly how I feel towards him.

Love life? All a bit muddled up at the moment....
Loose strings, will talk about it once any of the things start to matter....

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