Saturday, February 21, 2009

Growing obsession

A thought just came to me when I was reading all Twilight or Rob related sites tonight, I was thinking myself "Man! I'm really obsessed! Twilighting all day long!"

and then I thought to myself, now, I like the sound of the word "Twilighting"!!!

So many people seem to have the same problem as me, searching for all twilight or rob related stuff etc etc. Wouldn't it be cool to have a word that just describe this mania? Ha!

Maybe I should post this idea on one of the places I go to, but then again, not usually joining conversations might make this idea seems random and out of place?

Twilighting, ha! I love that word!!Oh I'm hopeless.

Still, even with my hopless obsession, I've actually been making quite a bit of progress on my long dreaded thesis this week. It's getting there! (Finally! YAY!)
I should be finished in two weeks, and most three! and then I'll be an all free man to read over the entire Twilight series for the second time! Not that it stopped me peaking through now and then................*rush of guilt*

Oh...and I can't wait to get my Edward action figure~finally decided to order one from the US, since I haven't bene able to find one anywhere in Christchurch. I'm finally giving in to my obsession XD I don't think I usually wait this long when I want something that hoping the shipping is not going to be three times the original cost of the figure......(((moan)))

Can't wait to get my other two pre-ordered books from Amazon.....of course Twilight related! hee hee! what else did you expect! Still, I wonder when one of them will ever arrive? the official guide I mean.......

and why on earth nz needs to wait until almost end of April for the DVD to come out...this is too long to wait for!!!The anticipation is killing me!!Not that I haven't already seen the movie more than 5 or 8 times or god knows how many....?

I wish I was in US so I can go to one of the parties...but then again.....I'm probably too old to want to be seen XD Still, I do get ask for ID whether I'm 18 or not now and then.......being 26 already >o< I think I might still be able to pull off a 20 year old look? HA!

I think I'm not going to reread my post again... Don't want to be reminded by myself again how crazy I am with this whole thing!!

Twilighting! I really think it will become a proper word XD

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