Monday, October 02, 2006


因為唯一有看我 blog 的人要求,所以我把相機充了電,照了幾張蘭花放上來好了,最近眼睛老覺得累,所以不想打太久的字,只想睡覺!呵!

今天去看 webcam,看來看去又想到我要買的 20 吋寬 LCD,不過這樣一花就要花一大筆錢,因為目前的電腦並不是處在很先進的狀態‧‧‧唉‧‧‧因為原來買的並沒想要玩Game所以也就想說不用買太好,結果惡果在一年半後的今天嘗到了 XD



El Psiconáufrago said...

Beautyful, really beautyful.... is your bedroom? I see the movie “Mr and Mrs Smith!“ You love the manga? Te mando un gran beso! Mmmmmmmmchuick!

RainFox said...

ah?? I was surprised when you asked whether it was my bedroom or not... I did you know? Now that I've had a look at the photos again...yes, the computer is in my bedroom :p I like that movie, as well as pride and prejudice. I love some manga... like watching on the picture there's "The Lord of the Rings" as well~ quite a few things there, but really, it should be the flowers you're suppose to look at! Not my bedroom XD haha!

El Psiconáufrago said...

Jajajajaja.... yes, I love the flowers! I draw flowers!

Manga... mmhhh... I dont know very much about manga... I love the Hayao Miyazaki films (El viaje de Chihiro, Howl´s moving castle, ¿Il porco rosso?). También I like the Evangelion serie and the movie, The end of evangelion, is fantástic!

Sorry for to peep in your bed room! :(((((( really Im sorry!

RainFox said...

You said you draw flowers? do you draw a lot? Is that girl picture on your blog drawn by you?'s alright, no worries, I just found the incident funny~haha :D